Thursday, May 27, 2010

Finally finiched the doily!
It turned out ok, but it has to be washed and ironed yet.

Now I've started to make another purse

Maybe I'll put the pattern for the squares online,
but I'll have to write them first.
That will be a challange!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Shoot!! barely started this blog... my internet-connection failed!!!
But i'm back!
In the meanwhile I tried to finish that doily.
Pattern available here:Mantilla Doily
But I had to do Row 21 4 times
because of the mistakes I made.
Was so fed up with myself
that I've made a fried egg because my brain felt like that.

Doily after Row 10

Doily halfway Row 21
Now I've reached row 27 ingoring mistakes I made.
Just hoping to finish it soon.
I started it because I wanted to improve my crochet-skills,
but as it turnes out I realise that I never will be good at crochet at all

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just another day

Today I made a hairband to match the red flowerbag/backpack for my daughter,
I hope she likes it!

Now I want to make her a cardigan with one button on the front, but I don't have a pattern yet.

I started to crochet my first doily ever!
A pattern from Coats & Clark,
next post I'll include a picture and a link to the free PDF download.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Almost done

Now you can see what it is, right?
I just have to sew the lining in.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Still working on the flower thing

Not finished yet.
Can you guess what it's going to be now?

(picture taken from bottomside)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Things I did today

Well, I changed the layout of this blog.

Made a mobilephonecosy for my son.
NeonGreen/Black, his choice.

Tried to crochet a potholder for a friend.

Went flower-crazy with a nice result so far.

But what are those flowers going to be?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today is all about decorating this new blog...
So what is it going to look like?
maybe I'll get some crochetthingies done at the same time

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hello there,

Welcome on my Blog.
Maybe someone will read this someday.....
