Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm back again.

Hello all,

Sorry for not keeping my blog up to date.
I've been sooo tired lately.
Well, I´m kinda sick actualy.
Had severe anemia,and they think I have polyneuropathy in my right foot.
Had blood transfushion in February and I can´t walk since January.
Now my blood is somewhat ok, exept my liver is not happy yet.
they haven`t figured out what is going on,
but it is making me tired and unconcentrated.
I reduced my consuming painkillers down to 2 500mg paracetamol a day.
Only when I have to go somewhere, I take more.
Most of the day I spend sitting on a bed in our livingroom.
This all sounds a lot like complaining, I know.
But there is a nice side about it........
I can crochet and knit all day long if I want to!!!
The ´´Daisy Square Purse´´ is allmost finished,
the lining will have to wait untill I can use my sewingmachine again.

Pictures of the other things I´m making/made will follow soon......