Saturday, September 11, 2010

Home again!!!

Hello all,

Thanks for dropping by.
Ok, first the yadayada about my health...
The doctors know what's with my foot.
It's called CPRS or Morbus Sudeck.
Kinda hard to explain, but it is an over-reaction of the body on a (small) injury.
Sounds simple but it took them so long to figure out because I can't remember any injury.
(The also discovered a broken rib I didn't know about, but that is an old injury they say. It just never healed and never will unless I take an OP.)
They're going to treat my foot with Bisphosphonate, I'll just have to wait and see if it brings anything.
Allright, enough about that now.

Of course I took my crochet-thingies with me to the hospital.

My Hexagon Granny Throw is ready!!!
Next time I'll show you a picture of it.
In the mean time I can show you.......

The collection I'm making for the Wintergarden...

And the Throw I've started for the little Lady...

Well, I hope I can start blogging more frequently from now on.
I wish you all a lovely Sunday.